Iman Vellani Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant Launch Party
What an awesome event last Saturday, March 9th at the launch party of Iman Vellani's first graphic novel, Ms. Marvel: The New Mutant!
It was incredible to meet so many fans and new people to our store, so thank you for making the trip and meeting our hometown superhero!
Thanks to all who shared their stories with Iman and those who made her art or letters. She was really touched and inspired by all of it.
This was a very emotional and powerful event. We were honoured to make this possible and see the pure joy, gratitude, and love that all of you expressed. We knew Ms. Marvel, and Iman's portrayal of her was special, but to see it, and feel it from all of you...well let's just say we will never forget this night!
And thanks for everyone's patience, we know it was worth it, as everyone left with smiles on their faces, and Iman really wanted to interact with all of you!
I hope all 150+ of you took away something special from this event and know that meeting your heroes is worthwhile! Iman is just like us, a genuine fan, who was once exactly like you, and still is!
Finally, a big THANK YOU to all of our family and friends who volunteered to help the night run smoothly, and keep everyone safe. Without you, this night would not have been possible.